Leverify Quest is free of cost 3 months training program for Pakistani youth. The aim of this initiative is to enable them to earn livelihood and contribute to Pakistan’s economy with the help of skills learned.
This is a Virtual Assistant training program comprising of all Amazon Business segments. we have divided our course into 4 modules :
Product research
Procurement & logistics
Amazon Account management & pricing.
The course is conducted online via Google meet and Google classroom with the help of our trainers ( Selected Leverify members from each team ).
We conduct two weekly sessions As:
Every Friday and Saturday from 6 PM – 8 PM.
The model of learning is flipped. We share the content ( video etc) one day before the session. Students attend sessions after watching the videos and utilize that session for questions and discussions.
This is the basic footprint of Leverify Quest.
PS: we take an optional 5000 as security money and return back the money once the course is completed. The only purpose of making money is to ensure student’s commitment. However, if anyone is not able to pay, we entertain them. Commitment from students is the only requirement.